About Kohler®
Kohler® is an American Manufacturing Company based in Kohler, Wisconsin. The Company was Founded in 1873 by John Kohler and is best known for its Plumbing Products.
Kohler® has Manufacturing Facilities in several Countries including China. It is not well known exactly where any Particular Product is made. Kohler's Headquarters are still in Wisconsin with 3 Toilet Plants in the US.
One Plant is in Kohler Wisconsin, One in Brownsville Texas and One in Spartanburg, S.C., Kohler® also has a Large Production Facility in Monterrey Mexico.
Kohler® has a Good reputation for their Toilets around the World with a Line Up of One Piece, Two Piece and Pressure Assisted Toilets. Kohler Manufactures Standard Height and ADA Compliant (17" to 19" with the Seat plus the Round and Elongated Bowls Shapes
Kohler® has many Styles to Match your Taste in 18 Different Colors. Kohler® makes their own Toilet Seats Designed For Comfort and Ergonomics.
We read Hundreds of On-Line Reviews from Home Depot and Amazon for 4 of Kohler® Toilet Models. This is our Summary.
Listed are some Kohler® Toilet Models that have been Discontinued by Kohler® but may still be available from other Sellers, We are in the Process of Reviewing Newer Kohler® Toilets and will be posted soon.
Kohler® Kelston™ Comfort Height™ Model K-3754 Two Piece
2 1/8" Trapway
3" Flush Valve
Height 16 1/2" w/o Seat
1.6 Gal per flush
107 Reviews Read"
As of July 2023 This unit has been Discontinued by Kohler® but may still be available from other Sellers.
- 39 - Positive Comments
- 20 - Positive Flush Comments
- 1 - Flush Problems
- 2 - Negative Flush Handle Location
- 3 - Refill Valve Problems
- 1 - Leaky Seal (Installation Problem)
- 2 - Cracked Tank upon arrival
- 1 - Bowl Cracking
- 3 - Seat Not Included
- 2 - Quality Control (Glazing)
- 14 - Tank Cover Doesn't Fit Properly
- 2 - Positive Height
- 2 - Noise Flush Loud
Note: This Model uses the AquaPiston Flush Technology. A new Design that Improves the Flush Process.
Kohler® Memoirs® Classic K-3818 Two Piece
2 1/8" Trapway
3" Flush Valve
Height 16 1/2" w/o Seat
1.6 Gal per flush
102 Home Depot Reviews Read"
As of July 2023 This unit has been Discontinued by Kohler® but may still be available from other Sellers, Search instead for Kohler® K-3816-0.
- 45 - Positive Comments
- 29 - Positive Flush Comments
- 3 - Flush Problems
- 2 - Negative Flush Refill Sticks
- 1 - Washers Not Included
- 7 - Seat Not Included
- 2 - Tank Cover Doesn't Fit Properly
- 12 - Positive Height
- 40 - *Positive Comments regarding the Design or Look.
Note: This Model uses the AquaPiston Flush Technology. * Not part of the 102 Count
Kohler® Highline 2-Piece Elongated K-3658
2 1/8" Trapway Fully Glazed
3 1/4" Flush Valve
Height 16 1/2" w/o Seat
1.28 Gal per flush
100 Home Depot Reviews Read"
As of July 2023 This unit has been Discontinued by Kohler® but may still be available from other Sellers.
- 63 - Positive Comments
- 9 - Positive Flush Comments
- 6 - Flush Problems
- 1 - Flange Broken upon arrival
- 1 - Quality Control Blemish on Bowl
- 8 - Seat Not Included
- 1 - Negitive Height
- 10 - Positive Height
- 40 - *Positive Comments regarding the Design or Look.
Note: This Model uses the Class Five® Flushing System.
Kohler® Santa Rosa One-Piece K-3810
2 1/8" Trapway Fully Glazed
3" Flush Valve
Height 16 1/2" w/o Seat
1.28 Gal per flush
AquaPiston® Flush Canister
106 Amazon Reviews Read"
- 48 - Positive Comments
- 35 - Positive Flush Comments
- 4 - Flush Problems (Valve Sticking)
- 1 - Leaky Seal
- 1 - Quality Control Glazing near the Top
- 4 - Seat Quality
- 10 - Positive Height
- 12 - *Positive Comments regarding the Design or Look.
Note: We personally have 2 of the (older 2000 Models) Santa Rosa Toilets, Would buy again.
Kohler® Class Five™ Flush System Water is propelled from our patented AquaPiston flush canister through a powerful jet to ensure optimal bowl coverage and cleanliness.
AquaPiston Flush CanisterKohler® Revolution 360 Swirl Flushing Technology sends 360 degrees of water through the bowl for complete coverage. Water is propelled from the Patented Kohler® AquaPiston Flush Canister through a powerful jet to ensure Optimal Bowl Coverage and Cleanliness.
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